My personal bookshelf

I’ve recently been mentoring on ADPlist, and one of my deliverables was my reading list I’ve built over time. I got tired of sending images from my phone, so I created a list.
Yes, yes, over time I’ll add links... :)


Design Classics

The elements of user experience - Garret

100 Things every designer needs to know about people - Weinschenk

A Project guide to UX design - Unger and Chandler

The design of everyday things - Norman

Ordering disorder - Vinh

About face - Cooper, Reimann, Cronin, Noessel

Information architecture - Morville, Rosenfeld

Learning responsive web design - Peterson

Designing mobile interfaces - Hoober, Berkman

Universal principles of design - Lidwell, Holden, Butler

Laying the foundations - Couldwell

Mental models - Young

Design is the problem - Shedroff

Storytelling for user experience - Quesenbery, Brooks

Making and breaking the grid - Samara


UX Strategy

UX strategy - Levy

The decision book - Tschäppaler

How to make sense of any mess - Covert

The art of the global gateway - Yunker

Ordering disorder - Vinh

Thinking strategically - HBR guide to

Mapping experiences - Kalbach

This is service design - Stickdorn, Hormess, Lowrence, Schneider

The experience when business meets design - Solis

Universal methods of design - Martin, Hanington

101 design methods - Kumar



Information graphics - Harris

Guide to infographics - Wong

Visualize this - Yau

Infographics - Lankow, Ritchie, Crooks

Visual complexity - Lima

The visual miscellaneum - McCandless

Cartography. - Field

Semiology of graphics - Bertin

Thematic mapping - Field

A to Z GIS - Esri press


Building a team

Org design for design orgs - Merholtz, Skinner

Building a great culture - HBR’s 10 must reads

Managing people - HBR’s 10 must reads

The effective manager - Horstman

Radical candor - Scott

Metaskills - Neumeier

Making ideas happen - Belsky

Remote - Fried, Hansson

You have more influence than you think - Bohns


Building yourself

Emotional intelligence 2.0 - Bradberry, Greaves

Leaders eat last - Sinek

The first 90 days - Watkins

Psychology - Ettinger

Resonate - Duate